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How to make a battery report in Windows 11


How to make a battery report in Windows 11

You can build a battery report on Windows 11 (and prior versions) to discover all you need to know.

Many of us reflexively check our device’s battery level. A full charge for the day or a certain period of time when we can’t get to our chargers is always a good idea. If you’ve ever looked at your laptop’s battery indicator, you’ll know that the predicted time left is rarely matched by the real time.

For example, if you’ve owned your laptop for a long time, the battery indicator on the taskbar may simply offer you an estimate of how long your battery will last depending on your current activity. However, Windows 11 still makes it simple to produce and see a battery report.

A battery report will tell you who built your laptop’s battery, its design capacity, historical usage statistics, and battery estimations. Here’s how to make your own battery report.

Creating a battery report on Windows 11

  • Select Terminal (Admin) from the list of alternatives by right-clicking the Start symbol on your taskbar (or by pressing Windows key + X). If Windows Terminal has been removed from your computer, this option will read Windows PowerShell (Admin).
  • Accept the request for user account control (UAC), which requires administrator capabilities.
  • Simply copy and paste the following line into the Windows Terminal/PowerShell window:
    powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\battery_report.html”
    Windows 11 Battery Report
  • This will create an HTML file in the root directory of your C: disk with the battery report. By modifying the path supplied at the end of the program, you may export the file to whatever folder you like.

That is all there is to it when it comes to making the battery report; however, there is also the question of reading and comprehending what it says.

What is contained in the battery report?

There is quite a bit of information contained inside a Windows 11 battery report, and we’ll attempt to make sense of it all. To view the battery report, navigate to the folder provided in the preceding command and locate the file battery report.html. Then, let us examine it more closely.

The report’s top section contains some general information about your laptop, such as the version of Windows you’re running and the firmware version. This should not be the most intriguing section of the report, but what follows is. The first part, titled Installed batteries, provides an overview of the information included in your laptop’s battery. This information contains the manufacturer, the chemistry – probably definitely Lithium-ion (LIon) – the design capacity, and the full charge capacity.

There may be some variation between these two capacity figures, but the one that matters most is the full charge capacity, as this is the maximum amount of power that the battery can retain.

Following that, you’ll get recent battery consumption data. The first table contains a list of recent power status changes over the previous three days, along with the battery state at the moment. Each time you unplug the laptop, turn it off, or put it to sleep, this information is saved here. Below it, there is a chart that details the laptop’s power use for the last three days. Naturally, this information will be included only if you utilized the laptop on battery power. This enables you to determine how rapidly the battery drained while you were unplugged from an outlet, as well as how long the battery lasts.

The next two tables include more historical data. This chart will provide battery use statistics from the last time you conducted a clean install of Windows or when you purchased it. The first table summarizes how much time you spent on your laptop each week. This totals the time spent in active mode and connected standby mode, both on batteries and while plugged into an outlet. The following table summarizes your laptop’s battery capacity over time, allowing you to determine how much it may have degraded.

Finally, there is a component that may be of greatest interest to you: battery life estimations. Additionally, this chart incorporates all of your past battery consumption statistics, allowing you to get projections for how long your battery may last based on your usage and battery capacity, for both active and connected standby. This also shows the expected power usage per 16 hours when connected standby is enabled, so if you’re bringing the laptop out for the entire day, you’ll know whether it can keep charged while not in use.

This information is averaged by week for older dates, however the past seven days are displayed separately. Finally, you may get an overall estimate based on all battery drain cycles since the operating system was installed.

With this information, you should be able to determine how long a fully charged laptop’s battery should last. It’s the most comprehensive approach to discover all there is to know about your laptop’s battery, and it may help you decide whether or not to replace it.

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