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How to bypass Mega download limit 2022


How to bypass Mega download limit 2022

This post will show you how to get around the MEGA cloud storage service’s daily download limit.

MEGA is one of the greatest cloud storage and file storage services available, second only to Google Drive. However, the free MEGA plan limits you to 5GB of file downloads or transfers each day, or 150GB per month. Therefore, if you wish to download anything larger than 5GB, you must wait until the next day.

How to bypass Mega download limit

MEGA first presents a screen with a restricted available transfer capacity, which may be bypassed by selecting Continue downloading. When the download limit is reached, the Transfer quota exceeded page appears, and you must wait two hours before continuing the download.

Although you may upgrade to a premium plan, if you don’t frequently use MEGA to download/upload files, paying for an advanced plan is not a smart option. In this instance, you can circumvent MEGA’s download restriction by using a program or application.

Use a free VPN service

MEGA checks your IP address to determine your available free transfer capacity. This means MEGA monitors the quantity of data sent and received via your IP address. And if it determines that you have surpassed your transport quota, it will merely request that you wait the initial two hours. And the time restriction increases incrementally with future downloads.

As a result, all we need to do is change the IP address in order to circumvent MEGA’s download restriction. There are several applications for changing your IP address using a VPN, such as Bright VPN, which is a free program that covers a large number of areas and is quite easy to use.

MegaBasterd – The Mega Downloader

Numerous solutions are available for downloading files from MEGA. MegaBasterd will be the subject of this article. It is a cross-platform, free, open-source MEGA downloader/uploader. It has a slew of intriguing features, such as the ability to stream video files while downloading. Among these, the most critical is SmartProxy, which will be used to circumvent MEGA’s daily download restriction.

Before you begin, you should gather the following items.

  • Java software, which you can download and install on your computer here.
  • MegaBasterd software (Windows, Linux, and Mac) is available for download here (portable version only).
  • To find a proxy in a certain region, you conduct a Google search using terms such as USA Proxy list.

How to use MegaBasterd

  1. Extract MegaBasterd > enter the MegaBasterdWINDOWS folder > locate the file MegaBasterd > start it with administrator privileges. (Ensure that you have installed Java; otherwise, the program will not open.)
  2. A warning may display prior to MegaBasterd being opened, requesting that you obtain an API key. You may choose No. (Not having an API key may be a violation of MEGA’s terms of service.)
  3. Navigate to File > Edit > Settings, then to the Downloads tab. tap Change it to alter the location of the downloaded file.
  4. Scroll down a little more in Downloads to see the option. Utilize SmartProxy, as you click. Now, you must input a proxy server in order to circumvent MEGA’s daily download restriction. Otherwise, you will be unable to download anything greater than 5GB in size.
    How to bypass Mega download limit
  5. You provide the IP address first, followed by the port number. If the IP address is and the port is 4153, for example, you would enter You must input numerous proxies to ensure that the application changes each time it expires and becomes unavailable for download. Finally, click Save to complete the process.
  6. You are now able to download files from the MEGA that are currently restricted. To begin, click File > New Download > paste the file folder URL from MEGA > click Let’s dance, baby.
  7. The connection to the folder will be identified. You may choose which files to download. Alternatively, you can remove files that you no longer require. Then, click Let’s dance, baby.

The files will begin downloading immediately. The download will be halted and restarted as a result of SmartProxy. Therefore, do not exit the program if the download is halted for a minute.


MegaBasterd – The Mega Downloader is a cross-platform, free, open-source MEGA downloader/uploader. It has a slew of intriguing features, such as the ability to stream video files while downloading. This article will show you how to get around the MEGA service’s daily download limit. Extract MegaBasterd > enter the MegaBasterdWINDOWS folder > locate the file MegaBasterd > start it with administrator privileges. Downloading files that are currently restricted will cause the program to be halted and restarted as a result of SmartProxy.

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