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Pixso: Unlimited Free Collaborative Design Tool


Pixso: Unlimited Free Collaborative Design Tool

Pixso is a great online tool for collaborative design that you and your team members can use to make beautiful interfaces, diagrams, and much more. This one-stop tool is a strong alternative to Figma. It can be used for prototyping, UI/UX design, program and delivery, and more.

Pixso serves as a great tool for a variety of use cases. It has features and qualities that make many roles in a project, from coming up with the idea to delivering it, more productive and efficient. A few use cases have been listed below:

Product Managers: Pixso’s large library of components makes it easy and quick for Product Managers to make prototypes with animations and graphics that work well together.

Designers: you only need a few minutes to use Pixso to try out your design ideas. Various Designers working collaboratively can amalgamate their concepts and notions and unify them in the UI / UX design.

Project Operators: People in this role can easily evaluate and keep an eye on projects in real time while keeping everyone up to date and giving important feedback throughout the whole project development process.

Developers: CSS code modules for all content and styles make it easy for them to move from design to development.

Project Manager: They can work closely with the different teams and work together to make sure the project moves along smoothly.

Let’s talk about the things Pixso has to offer

Intelligent Design tools: Pixso has a number of tools and options that can be used together to make prototypes and automatic layouts for UI/UX design.

Interactive Animation Display: Pixso can predict what users want, plan how pages will interact, and simulate how your product will look when it’s done. This makes sure that during the design and development phase, invalid inputs can be avoided.

Real-time Collaboration: You can invite team members via links to work and design collaboratively on the cloud in case of complex projects with real-time synchronization.

Link Delivery: Pixso supports full-stack program design and delivery such that the upstream team can send a link with the downstream team opening it to complete the process and review.

Pixso works with many different file formats, like.fig,.svg,.sketch, and more, so you don’t have to switch between different design tools for a project.

Community Resources: You can easily and quickly improve your design process by using the large number of community resources that can help you.


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