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Zoho Sheet

Equip your team with the proper instrument for data management.
All functions, graphs, pivots, and comments required for collaborative data analysis.

Collaborate with coworkers, make changes, add comments, and initiate discussions all within your spreadsheet in real time.

With cell/range-level user-specific lock settings and Audit Trail, you can ensure that your data, regardless of its size, stays secure while you’re away. Version History backs up your data in case you need it in the future.

Transform your data into colourful charts and pivot tables; manipulate your data to achieve the desired outcome. Ask Zia any data-related questions and receive immediate responses.

Zoho Sheet includes over 350 preset functions that make it easy to do simple and sophisticated computations. With custom functions, we ensure that you have access to all of the hidden formulae necessary to obtain accurate results from your raw data.
Data made error free
Let’s face it. A large number of contributors results in a substantial amount of effort, but also increases the likelihood of data duplication, missing values, and errors. Data cleaning is a program that will automatically find and assist you in removing these irregularities in only seconds.

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