
What is Shizuku for Android?

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ADB is a developer tool for debugging and testing on Android phones. Developers and power users may access Android’s Linux command line shell through ADB. Notably, ADB shell privilege is not superuser access, thus you may still need to root your device to manage the OS. Depending on your modding needs, shell access can give or deny permissions, modify system settings, and more. Shizuku helps here.

What is Shizuku?

Shizuku allows third-party apps to access system-level APIs in Android modification (APIs). A dedicated process with shell-level rights functions as a proxy between the system server and applications. Developers may use Shizuku to execute elevated tasks instead of the su shell.

If an app needs specific rights that can only be provided through ADB (or root), use Shizuku to grant them from your Android device.

Rikka (aka RikkaW), Haruue, and other developers manage the open-source Shizuku project.

Shizuku’s characteristics

  • Low overhead.
  • Android’s “binder” inter-process communication mechanism speeds up execution.
  • With minimal coding, apps may leverage Android system APIs.
  • Shizuku may be installed and launched on Android 11 and later.

Shizuku download?

Shizuku is open-source, thus you may view the codebase or assemble it yourself after downloading the files from GitHub.

Shizuku may be downloaded from the Google Play Store pre-compiled. Developers maintain various mirrors to make official APK downloads simpler.

How to use Shizuku?

Shizuku resembles Magisk. It handles shell access, not root. If you have a functional Shizuku instance and launch an app that uses it for elevated activities, you should be prompted to enable access. Shizuku handles API access after you authorize it.

Shizuku also works with terminal emulator applications. This lesson doesn’t cover this functionality, but you may explore it by tapping “Use Shizuku in terminal apps” in the app’s main menu.

Shizuku can help Android app developers. See our explanation and Shizuku API repo for details.

Rooting your Android smartphone enables tweaks, but it’s not always possible. As Google’s tamper-detection algorithms improve, there’s less room to meddle. The Shizuku app helps Android modders. Hopefully, many programs and modifications will support Shizuku soon.

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