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7-Zip 22.00: What’s new?


7-Zip 22.00: What’s new?

7-Zip is a popular Windows, Mac, and Linux file archiver. First stable release of 2022 is 7-Zip 22.00. 7-Zip 21.07 was launched in December 2021.

Users of 7-Zip can obtain the most recent program version from the official website. Downloads are supported for 64-bit, 32-bit, and ARM versions of Windows. The application is still compatible with Windows XP and Vista, which are no longer supported. All officially approved versions of Windows are supported, including server versions.

7-Zip 22.00 introduces various new features that expand the application’s usefulness. The latest archiver version allows the extraction of Apple File System (APFS) pictures. Several years ago, Apple launched the Apple File System with Mac OS 10.13 and iOS. The file system is optimized for flash memory and solid-state drives.

7-Zip 22.00 features several enhancements to its TAR archive support. Using the parameters -ttar -mm=pax or -ttar -mm=posix, 7-Zip can now produce TAR archives in POSIX tar format. Using the parameters ttar -mm=pax -mtp=3 -mtc -mta, 7-Zip may further store file timestamps with high precision in tar/pax archives.

Identifier stream for file extraction. Windows uses the stream for security considerations; it may be used to detect if a file was generated locally or downloaded from the Internet.

7-Zip 22.0 adds a new options window to the “add to archive” setup dialogue. It contains options to modify the timestamp precision, alter other time-related configuration variables, and prevent the last access time of source files from being modified.

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