Released Activator, RocketBootstrap and Flipswitch for iOS 12 Jailbreak

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The famous jailbreak developer, Ryan Petrich, released the update for Activator, Flipswitch and RocketBootstrap to comnpatible iOS 12 jailbreak with unc0ver.

Currently, unc0ver beta 41 support for all iOS devices (except A12 and A12X devices), so the number of jailbreak device can be huge. This prompted the authors to quickly update their famous tweaks.

RocketBootstrap is also needed for Activator or Flipswitch to work. Support library to allow tweaks to communicate with their services from sandboxed app processes.

Activator centralized gestures, button and shortcut management for iOS. For example, when the screen locks users to press the volume down button (this is a gesture), Activator will unlock the screen (this is the event). When a user uses gestures, such as a gesture of double clicking on the status bar on the screen, Activator will lock the device (that is the event that Activator performs).

FlipSwitch centralized toggle system for iOS. This tweak will add a lot of new activities to be carried out along with commands to change certain functional applications in iOS such as AirPlane Mode, Bluetooth, LTE and Wi-Fi in the Activator Settings panel.

To install FlipSwitch, RocketBootstrap, Activator for iOS 12, add source

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